Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the processing of personal data. personal information of users browsing the website (the “Website“). From this Voilabeauty SL Web Site, you can book appointments for services at Voilabeauty SL. .

  1. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Voilabeauty SL with registered office at C/Flassaders 42, Barcelona, CP 08003, Barcelona, Spain, is responsible for the processing of the following data the personal data of users that are collected or generated as a result of browsing and use of the Site Web.

You can contact Voilabeauty SL through any of the following means of communication contact us:

  • Address: CC/Flassaders 42, Barcelona, CP 08003, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Phone: +034 670 840 049
  • E-mail address:
  1. Legitimate purposes and bases of processing

The personal data of users will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the applicable personal data protection legislation, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data. protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of personal data. data (“General Data Protection Regulation“) and the Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data”). Personal data and guarantee of digital rights.

Before providing any personal data, the user must have read carefully and have understood this Privacy Policy. By accepting this Privacy Policy you warrant that the personal data provided to Voilabeauty SL are accurate, truthful and up to date.

The personal data of users collected through the Web Site, at the time of The reservation of appointments for services and the sending of information on events, activities and offers will be handled in a confidential manner. for the following purposes and legal bases:


Data categories personal

Base legal

  1. Management and control of booking of appointments for services

Management and control of the reservation of appointments for services requested by users.

Data and contact information: name and surname, e-mail address, and telephone number of the users.

Data relating to the registration in Voilabeauty SL.

Article 6.1.b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Data.

Management, control and execution of the legal relationship between the user and Voilabeauty SL.

  1. Security and operation of the Web Site

Realization statistics on the use and operation of the Web Site to improve the quality of the service. Website and services.

Data from navigation and IP address.

Article 6.1.f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data.

Interest Voilabeauty SL’s legitimate right to analyze the use and performance of the Site Web to improve it.

Guarantee security of the Web Site, develop, prepare, test and test the Web Site with the main purpose of improving and identifying errors and anomalies.

Data from navigation and IP address.

Article 6.1.f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data.

Interest legitimate Voilabeauty SL consisting of ensuring the security of the Website, improve and identify errors and anomalies.

  1. Sending communications commercial

Sending of commercial communications with information related to events, activities, and offers organized by Voilabeauty SL.

Data and contact information: name and surname, e-mail address, and telephone number of the users.

Article 6.1.f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data.

Interest Voilabeauty SL’s legitimate right to make commercial communications about similar products or services.

The users may exercise their right of opposition, in the terms established in the section 7. Rights of users regarding the protection of personal data. data.

Article 6.1.a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data.

User consent to receive communications commercial.

Sending of commercial communications by Voilabeauty SL.

Data and contact information: name and surname, e-mail address, and telephone number of the users.

Article 6.1.a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data.

User consent to receive communications Voilabeauty SL.

  1. Obligations legal

Compliance with legal obligations of Voilabeauty SL.

Data identification and contact information: name and surname, e-mail address, phone number and any other personal data of users required by the company. competent public authorities within the framework of their powers.

Article 6.1.c) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Data.

Compliance with legal obligations of Voilabeauty SL.

  1. Photographs and videos

The publication of photographs and videos on the Web Site for promotional and marketing purposes. advertising.

Photographs and videos of the user.

Article 6.1.a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Data.

User’s consent to the collection and subsequent processing of data. publication of photographs and videos of your person.

In the event that the user has consented to this through specific forms, it is possible to the possibility that additional personal data may be processed. Privacy information relating to the treatment of the personal data collected in the specific forms will be provided at the time they are filled in. such forms.

  1. International data transfers and assignments

We inform the user that the Website may contain photographs and videos that have been taken by the user. were taken at the facilities and events of Voilabeauty SL. In the event that the user has consented to the before your image and voice could be captured by Voilabeauty SL for publicity purposes, it is possible that the user’s images and videos are published on the Web Site and, therefore, may be visible to the user. the rest of the users of the Web Site.

Voilabeauty SL will transfer user data to third parties when it is necessary for the following purposes the management and control of the Web Site and to competent authorities and agencies, courts, tribunals or any other competent authorities and agencies. other third parties legitimized in accordance with the applicable regulations in those cases in which it is required by these authorities. Voilabeauty SL will not process personal data outside the European Economic Area.

Voilabeauty SL, when the user has consented to it, may transfer your data to the company Voilabeauty SL.

Users’ data may also be processed by data processors. as long as it is necessary for the performance of the contractual relationship and the provision of the service.

  1. Retention of personal data

Users’ personal data will be kept for the time necessary for the following purposes the purpose for which they were collected and, in any case, for as long as there is a relationship The term of the contractual relationship is 6 years after termination of the membership or termination of the contractual relationship. The data personal data may be duly blocked for the period of time necessary to attend to any type of legal or contractual liabilities (e.g., until the statute of limitations for any liability arising from data protection regulations).

  1. Third party data

If a user provides personal data of third parties to Voilabeauty SL, the user will expressly declares that the personal data is entered with the express consent of the owner and having previously informed you of the processing of your personal data.

  1. Use of cookies and other similar technologies

Voilabeauty SL uses cookies when a user browses the Web Site. Through In the case of such cookies, information may be collected to generate profiles about users and their use of the platform. You can find more information about the use of cookies in our cookie policy.

  1. Users’ data protection rights

Users may exercise any of the rights granted to them by the regulations of data protection, which consist of:

  • right to access and obtain a copy of your personal data (right of access),
  • the right to rectify any data that is not correct (right of rectification),
  • the right to delete your personal data when permitted by law (right of access). suppression),
  • right to object to the processing of data (right to object),
  • the right to limit the processing of personal data (right of limitation),
  • right to receive certain personal data in a structured, commonly used and accessible format. mechanical reading (right to portability),
  • right to withdraw previously given consent (right to withdraw consent). consent), and
  • the right to object to automated individual decisions, including the right to profiling.

In order to exercise these rights, users may send a written request to by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address, attaching a copy of your identity card or any other official document that identifies you and indicating which right you wish to exercise.

Users also have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Agency. Data Protection Agency ( to claim the exercise of their rights or any other question related to the protection of your personal data.

  1. Security

The Web Site uses information security techniques generally accepted in the United States. such as firewalls, access control procedures, and cryptographic mechanisms, all of which are The purpose of this is to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

Both Voilabeauty SL and those who intervene in any phase of the processing of the data and the entities to whom they have been communicated – pursuant to the authorization granted by the or other legal legitimacy – are expressly committed to adopting the levels of protection and the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the data and avoid its alteration, misuse, loss, theft, unauthorized processing or access, both externally and within the company itself. structure and dependent personnel. Likewise, the treatment and registration in files, programs, etc., is guaranteed, systems, equipment, premises and facilities that meet the established requirements and conditions of integrity and safety in the current regulations.

  1. Privacy policy updates

Voilabeauty SL reserves the right to modify at any time the privacy policy of Voilabeauty SL. privacy, giving timely notice where appropriate.

Last revision: November 2022

© Barcelona, Voilabeauty SL. 2023. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. partial. All rights reserved.

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